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Alex Denethorn
British citizen, but I like to keep my eye on what’s going on around the world, and I particularly tend to delve into the murky waters of both UK and US politics. I certainly consider myself ‘liberal’ in many respects, but do bear in mind that it’s not quite the same as it would be defined in the US!
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Impeaching Trump Might Be The GOP’s Best Move
Although conventional wisdom in Washington seems to suggest that the House will impeach Donald Trump while the Republican-led Senate will vote to acquit, in reality, I think it’s in the Republican’s best interests to impeach him in the House and then convict him in the Senate.
Inside the Democrat’s Case for Trump’s Impeachment
With House Speaker Nancy Pelosi having declared that Congress will now open up impeachment proceedings against President Trump, the question now must be raised: what path will the Democrats take in building their case against him? Can they develop a sufficiently-convincing picture of a corrupt, dangerous president that ultimately stands as unfit for office?
Hearing About Trump Every Day and ‘Trump Overload’
When you talk about “Trump overload,” that is important: it is, in truth, part of what’s kept him in office.
Yes, Donald Trump Is Rooting for Break-up of the EU
Of course Donald Trump is hoping for a dissolution of the European Union, and it's not a secret.
Maybe The Fault Lies With Us, Not Mueller
You can tell that we're not holding presidents to the same standards as we used to.
Conservatives, Not Liberals, Are The Ones Not Interested in Other Viewpoints
Embracing pluralism is one of the big tenets of any liberal or progressive movement -- you aim to be inclusive, as much as possible.
Biden’s Pivot to Foreign Policy
Let’s be honest: this is one area that Biden can excel in, because he has considerably more experience than most of the other Democratic candidates.
No, Trump Can’t Add Citizenship Question With Executive Order
Someone might want to let Trump know that the resources of the federal government don’t exist to keep him in office.
Mueller’s Answers to Two Questions Could Put Trump’s Presidency in Real Jeopardy
If Mueller steps up and says that the president of the United States knowingly engaged in acts that would, for any other citizen, warrant indictment…that’s the ball game.
Getting to the Truth Behind Trump’s Aborted Iran Attack
To say that Trump called off the attack because of the cost in lives, though -- does that sound like the blustering president we’ve all come to know, distrust and feel disgusted by?