Category: Ethics

Former Florida Congressman Says Best Thing Matt Gaetz Can Do Is ‘Shut Up, Hire a Lawyer, and Resign’

Former Florida Congressman Says Best Thing Matt Gaetz Can Do Is ‘Shut Up, Hire a Lawyer, and Resign’

Former congressman David Jolly (R-Fla.) said Wednesday the best thing Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) can do now is “shut up” and resign.
When Pornography Becomes Political: The Implications of Utah’s Proposed Phone Filter Bill

When Pornography Becomes Political: The Implications of Utah’s Proposed Phone Filter Bill

According to Fight the New Drug, pornography can have a lasting impact on individuals, relationships, and society as a whole. Its addictive nature doesn't discriminate against any demographic.
Pelosi: If Trump Fired State Dept. IG as Retaliation, It Could Be Unlawful

Pelosi: If Trump Fired State Dept. IG as Retaliation, It Could Be Unlawful

If Donald Trump's firing of State Department Inspector General Steve Linick was as retaliation for investigations by Linick, that could be illegal, according to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Florida Finally Issues a Stay At Home Order

Florida Finally Issues a Stay At Home Order

Despite Florida having the fifth most confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States, Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, only issued a 30-day stay at home order this Wednesday, which will be going into effect today at midnight.
Florida Man Recovers From Severe Case of COVID-19 After Taking Hydroxychloroquine: ‘I Woke Up Like Nothing Ever Happened’

Florida Man Recovers From Severe Case of COVID-19 After Taking Hydroxychloroquine: ‘I Woke Up Like Nothing Ever Happened’

A 52-year-old Florida man says that he was cured of COVID-19 by the controversial treatment of hydroxychloroquine.
FACT CHECK: Drinking Water Can Wash Away and Prevent Coronavirus?

FACT CHECK: Drinking Water Can Wash Away and Prevent Coronavirus?

A Facebook post claims that the new coronavirus can be prevented by drinking water every 15 minutes.
Pete Buttigieg May Appoint Big-Dollar Donors if Elected

Pete Buttigieg May Appoint Big-Dollar Donors if Elected

Big-dollar donors have an unfair influence -- or do they?
How the Government Creates Criminals

How the Government Creates Criminals

Raising the tobacco age to 21 will increase crime, cause violence, and hurt America's most vulnerable communities.
Study: It’s Not Too Late to Fix Divided America

Study: It’s Not Too Late to Fix Divided America

With the 2020 presidential election quickly approaching, politics in America are now more heated than ever.