Dr. Fauci: ‘I Hope’ Voters Will Be Able to Physically Go to the Polls in November

Dr. Fauci: ‘I Hope’ Voters Will Be Able to Physically Go to the Polls in November


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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While some are anticipating having to administer this year’s November elections in some alternate way, Dr Anthony Fauci holds out hope that Americans will be able to go out to their regular polling places come Election Day.

Politicians, analysts and others have already begun looking at conducting this year’s elections by alternative means, particularly vote-by-mail as a contingency for the ongoing coronavirus pandemic which has forced much of the nation into severe lockdown and social distancing conditions.

However, in a television interview, Dr Fauci sounded a more optimistic note when CNN host Jake Tapper asked the preeminent immunologist and member of the federal coronavirus task force whether Americans would be able to vote in-person in November.

 “I hope so, Jake. I can’t guarantee it. I believe if we have a good, measured way of rolling into this steps towards normality, that we hope by the time we get to November that we’ll be able to do it in a way which is the standard way,” said Dr Fauci. “However, and I don’t want to be the pessimistic person, there is always the possibility, as we get into next fall and the beginning of early winter, that we could see a rebound. And hopefully, hopefully, what we’ve gone through now, and the capability that we have, for much, much better testing capability, much, much berse surveillance capability, and the ability to respond with countermeasures, with drugs that work, that it will be an entirely different ball game.

“So Number One, I hope we don’t have a rebound that would make this very difficult as we get into November,” he added. “But if we do, and there certainly is a possibility, I’m a realist, it certainly is a possibility, hopefully we’ll be able to respond to that rebound in a much more effective way than what we see now in January, February, March.”

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