My Oops, or Chick Fil A Trying to Have It Both Ways on Bigotry

My Oops, or Chick Fil A Trying to Have It Both Ways on Bigotry


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Sorry dear readers, you might want to put that Chick Fil A sandwich down after all.

I know what I said just the other day: Chick Fil A making a big announcement that the company would no longer be funding the sorts of rabidly pro-Christian groups anymore which attack pro-choice and LGBT communities.

Just as I was celebrating what had been years of pressure from the left on the fast food chain to drop its support of bigotry, those on the right were expressing their outrage any way that they could, including social media.

Do you think Chick Fil A management stood up on principle for the new enlightened policy that they just barely let escape their lips?

Of course not.

They got all mealy-mouthed, and are now trying to have it both ways:

No organization will be excluded from future consideration — faith-based or non-faith-based,” Chick-fil-A President and COO Tim Tassopoulos said in a statement to VICE.

I apologize for my enthusiasm in believing that our progressive might could have made a real difference in this case.

But this is about what we can expect from Corporate America.

I suppose if we want social justice in fast food, we will have to settle for the variety served up by the “Chicken McNuggets Robin Hood,” who recently confessed on social media that he consistently dished up extra nuggets in customers’ orders.

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