Super Tuesday Proves Our Election Isn’t for Sale

Super Tuesday Proves Our Election Isn’t for Sale


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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It turns out that Mike Bloomberg spent $500 million or so on….turns out not so much after all.

Bloomberg’s unique campaign approach of avoiding the early primary states in order to focus on spending hundreds of millions from his personal fortune on advertising to position himself to compete in the Super Tuesday states uniquely failed.

For his “Super-sized” investment, Bloomberg was rewarded Tuesday night with a whopping eight delegates. He didn’t win a single state.

Ever the businessman, seeing his return on investment, Bloomberg woke up Wednesday morning from this mess, promptly withdrew from the race as quickly as he entered and threw his support behind former vice president Joe Biden, who romped on Super Tuesday to a resurgent campaign.

Just days earlier, another Democratic billionaire, Tom Steyer, had pulled the plug on his own foundering campaign.

And just days before that, you had other Democrats complaining and moaning about “billionaires buying elections.”

(Donald Trump claims to be a billionaire, but that’s not why he won his election–and particularly since, unlike Bloomberg, Trump very eagerly accepted campaign financing from donors.)

So outside this potential Trump exception, which I’m not sure even counts as an exception, the lesson we learned Tuesday night is that billionaires may try to buy our elections–but we, the voters, are not buying.

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    Robert Messman March 5, 2020

    Funny how Bloomberg got labeled as a billionaire and not a successful entrepreneur and three time NY mayor while Biden & Sanders were not labeled as career politicians. It is the way the political parties weed out competent people who are not beholden to them for money. So, yippee, we get to choose between two political hacks who have really never done anything remarkable and come out of congress which has an approval rating of 10% or so. Remember both parties attacking Howard Dean, a brilliant doc with governorship credentials because he figured out how to raise money outside the party and therefore would not be under their control. You have to blame the media for spreading the part message and preventing really competent people from running our government

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    It just shows that Democrats are not for sale. Republicans have yet to show that.