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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press
It was just a few days ago in this very space that we gave House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif) an endorsement to lead the burgeoning impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump.
That endorsement was based on Schiff’s proven record, particularly in the Trump years, of prosecutorial seriousness rather than partisan hyperventilation.
So to say that we were shocked and more than a little disappointed when The Washington Post‘s impeccable Fact Checker awarded Schiff the particularly dubious distinction of it’s worst designation of dishonesty, the Four Pinocchios.
Those are the sorts of lows which we have come to expect from Trump and those around him.
But Democrats must not–never–emulate the Trump team’s habit for dissembling and dishonesty.
If anything, Democrats must stand for–and insist upon–the exact opposite.
If Democrats become known among the American people for the same sort of dishonesty and lying which Trump is known for, then why shouldn’t they just continue choosing Trump and his brand of lies?
Democrats must be known for better.
No. Chairman Schiff made a grievous mistake, one for which he should atone. And one that he–and no other Democrat– should ever repeat.
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