Chris Christie: Biden Needs To Avoid Being this Cycle’s Jeb Bush

Chris Christie: Biden Needs To Avoid Being this Cycle’s Jeb Bush


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Former vice president Joe Biden’s “hugest risk” in seeking the Democratic presidential nomination is that his candidacy goes the same way as former Florida governor Jeb Bush’s bid for the GOP nod four years ago, according to former New Jersey governor Chris Christie.

“Joe Biden’s hugest risk is he’s Jeb Bush. His biggest risk is … Well, he’s the guy who comes out as the frontrunner early, he’s the guy with enormous history, he’s got associations like Joe Biden does with Barack Obama and others who lift him,” said Christie, who also ran for the Republican presidential nomination four years ago. “But can he be someone who addresses today’s needs? Jeb, I think, never understood the political times we were in and he never changed and adjusted. Will Joe Biden change and adjust to these times to be able to be someone who … speaks to the concerns of Democratic primary voters now and then, ultimately, general election voters who, remember, did elect Donald Trump three years ago?”

As both the son and brother of former presidents, Bush began the 2016 cycle as the prohibitive front-runner, especially as he raised what appeared to be a formidable $100 million for his presidential political action committee, called Right to Rise.

The 2016 election initially was expected to be an epic battle between two American political dynasties, the Bushes and the Clintons while early on Donald Trump’s candidacy was viewed skeptically.

Trump, however, began to regularly criticize the Bush presidencies generally, and Jeb Bush particularly, as “low energy.”

Bush’s campaign fell apart in the early primary states before Bush pulled the plug after an embarrassing fourth place finish in South Carolina.

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