Chuck Schumer: A Democratic Senate Will Make Health Care Affordable and Combat Climate Change

Chuck Schumer: A Democratic Senate Will Make Health Care Affordable and Combat Climate Change


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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In the midst of a week in which Democrats are setting their sights on winning back the White House this November, the Senate’s top Democrat offered a reminder of what could be possible if they were also to capture the Senate majority as well.

Although Republicans currently hold a slim majority in the upper chamber, Democrats must flip a net of at least three seats if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are elected in the fall.

That’s potentially doable, as Democrats really have just one vulnerable member of their own going into the November election. That would be Sen Doug Jones, who was first elected in a highly unusual special election in deep red Alabama.

Republicans, by contrast, have several possibly vulnerable members, including Sens Susan Collins of Maine, Cory Gardner of Colorado and Thom Tillis of North Carolina.

If Democrats were to win the White House, the Senate and hold on to the House of Representatives as expected, it would be the first time that Democrats held all of Washington’s policymaking apparatus since the first two years of President Barack Obama’s term.

That period, coming out of a deep economic trough, led to much substantial lawmaking.

“Let me tell you some of the things we do,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who would likely move up to majority leader in Democratic-controlled Senate. “With President Biden and a Democratic majority, we will make health care affordable for all. We’ll undue the vicious inequality of income and wealth that has plagued America for far too long and take strong decisive action to combat climate change and save the planet.

“We will protect voting rights, fight systemic racism in the criminal justice system and in our economy, and restore a Supreme Court that looks out for people not corporations,” Schumer added. “We’ll rebuild our infrastructure and make sure every home from innercity to rural America has broadband. We will save the post office and once and for all defeat COVID-19, this evil disease.”

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