CNN Iowa Poll Shows that Abortion, Climate Change and Guns Are the Top-Driving Issues

CNN Iowa Poll Shows that Abortion, Climate Change and Guns Are the Top-Driving Issues


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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A new CNN/Des Moines Register poll offered both good and bad news for Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden, while also laying out the top issues for Democratic voters.

“We asked Biden supporters, ‘Are you extremely enthusiastic about this choice?’ Twenty-nine percent of them said they are. Compared to the rest of the candidates combined, we are at 39 percent that say they are enthusiastic about the choice. So there is a bit of an enthusiasm gap there,” said CNN Political Director David Chalian.

“We also checked in on this issue of electability, and when we asked Iowa Democrats, ‘Are you looking for someone who can beat Trump or for someone to agree with you on the issues,’ it’s not even a close contest. Take a look at that: 65 percent want someone who has a strong chance to win. Thirty-one percent shares your issue position,” Chalian added.

“And in brand-new numbers releasing right now in this next installment of our CNN/Des Moines Register Iowa poll, we looked at the qualities that some of these candidates have, personality traits if you will, to find out which one voters thought was the biggest advantage,” Chalian continued. “Look at this: Washington experience comes out on top. Fifty-two percent say that is an advantage for the candidate. That’s good news for Joe Biden. But look at the bottom end of that scale. Only 1 percent said being over the age of 70 is an advantage. So there is perhaps a negative potentially for Joe Biden.”

The pollsters also asked about issues–“What’s driving you to support someone?”–Chalian added.

“What’s most important? Look at that: The right to an abortion — 79 percent call it a must-have. Climate change as the greatest threat — 75 percent. Restoring an assault-style weapon ban — 57 percent. Abortion, climate and guns are the top-driving issues.”

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