Debate Viewer Reactions: Race Unchanged, but Millennials Assured and White Working Class Men Impressed

Debate Viewer Reactions: Race Unchanged, but Millennials Assured and White Working Class Men Impressed


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Tuesday night’s chaotic presidential debate leaves structure of the race untouched, which is extremely favorable to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden uniting the country, on middle class values, education, and dealing with the racial strife, according to results of online focus group testing of the initial debate between Biden and incumbent Donald Trump.

The debate affirmed powerfully that Trump governs only for his party and for billionaires and elites, the results added, which came from Democracy Corps, a Washington nonprofit which conducted online dial meter research on behalf of the American Federation of Teachers, during the first presidential debate between Trump and Biden, among 201 registered voters nationally.

Demographics included in the survey included Black Americans, Latinos, white Millennials, white unmarried women, white working-class men and women and white college-educated women.

Other key takeaways from the dial-meter research from the debate include:

  • The debate cut the undecided in half — breaking evenly for Biden and Trump, but that helps Biden too.
  • Biden was strong and self-confident in the debate and gained standing with white millennials who were a key part of consolidating the progressive coalition.
  • White working class men may end up playing the biggest role. They came away feeling less positive about Trump (7 points) and they gave Biden 6 more points in the race against Trump.
  • White working class women move to Trump after the debate, but turned to Biden on every issue affecting the middle class.
  • Trump’s aggressive open up the economy drove away white millennials and other voters, but not the white working class who gave him higher marks on the economy.
  • Trump made big gains on health care and keeping health care costs down, but they were most pronounced with white working class women – who went in giving Biden an 11 point margin and came out, supporting Trump on health care by 6 points. Trump led on drug costs while Biden was defending the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare.”
  • The debate put Biden ahead on the big battle for the forgotten Americans that may settle how far Biden can take his advantage.

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    Joe Walker October 1, 2020

    NOTE:if scotus decides banning abortion (roe v wade) is illegal, unconstitutional, that could BACKFIR in the future, & form a foundation constitutional foundation/basis FORCING women to have ABORTIONS, to limit family size, population, etc.