Don’t Wait, Ban Vape

Don’t Wait, Ban Vape


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Welton Wang
Managing Editor
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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In the light of a new unknown lung disease linked to vaping and already killing six people, the Trump administration is considering a mass ban on vaping products, excluding non-flavored ones. This would require all vaping products to be off-shelf in 30 days, and require Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for each product before it can be sold again.

E-cigarettes and vaping were originally created to help adult smokers quit smoking. However, underage vaping has created an epidemic of teenaged smokers and vapers. Most of them say they are attracted to the wide variety of flavors offered, such as mango, creme, and strawberry.

In a statement, Juul, a vaping manufacturer who has taken the most blame for this incident said, “We strongly agree with the need for aggressive category-wide action on flavored products. We will fully comply with the final FDA policy when effective.”

However, this kind of epidemic requires immediate action. There is no time do argue over this. Every day that the ban is delayed means tens of thousands of vapes sold to people possibly unaware of the consequences. In fact, most vapers don’t even realize that vaping has negative effects.

As Dr. Buonopane, Assistant Medical Director at Mountainside Treatment Center, an addiction treatment center, puts it, “…there is enough information to put the vaping industry on hold. The federal government should suspend the sale of e-cigarettes while it conducts further research about their potential health risks. However, to make the possession of e-cigarettes illegal at this time would be counterproductive.

The general public needs to be made aware of the severe medical issues that have been associated with the use of these devices. The use of e-cigarettes may be deadly. Six people have already died and hundreds have developed severe respiratory symptoms in connection with vaping or use of e-cigarettes. ​

Epidemiological investigations are ongoing, and the CDC is recommending that healthcare professionals report cases of respiratory symptoms connected with vaping. E-cigarettes typically contain nicotine, but flavorings and other chemicals may be added as well as marijuana or other substances. Many of the patients — but not all — who developed respiratory symptoms reported the use of e-cigarettes containing cannabinoid products, such as THC or CBD. ​

For example, five cases of acute respiratory symptoms likely caused by aerosolized oils inhaled from e-cigarettes were reported in the September 6 issue of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly. In these cases, a diagnosis of exogenous lipoid pneumonia was made due to the presence of lipid infiltrates in the lungs. Please note that e-cigarettes are not FDA approved to quit smoking, and the available science on their effectiveness on smoking cessation is inconclusive. In addition, they promote the use of nicotine, which can interfere with brain development in adolescence.​”

While a cause has not yet been determined, there has been some correlation with high dosages of Vitamin E Acetate, and the FDA is currently investigating.

The opposition to the ban claim that the ban would create a black market of vapes. Keep in mind though, there already is a black market — vapes shouldn’t be sold or given to underage minors, yet they somehow still get access to them. Enforcing a ban on all flavored vapes would make it harder for minors to get access to them. While some might resort to black market sales, others will simply cease.

A ban like this could also be a wake-up call to cigarette providers that the FDA is going to enact tougher regulations on the smoking industry. In the end, the only losers are vaping companies.

Read the other side: Banning Vape is Stupid and Irrational

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    Marc Cavallero September 16, 2019

    Way to discount the probability that the small percentage of respitory illness not linked to thc products could be due to the fact that people don’t want to admit illicit drug use. Look at the case in long island, only when the parents found it in the kids room dolid he admit to it. You are a puritanical shill willing to condemn millions of people addicted to cigarettes to either figure out a way to beat the odds and quit or just die. Good policy

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      Samuel Wipple September 16, 2019

      That’s a probability. But so is the fact that its caused by vaping. It’s too early to discount any probability yet. A blanket ban is a precaution. If it is vaping, then great. If its not, then at least we didn’t discount the other probabilities either. Plus, Vaping is proven to be worse than cigarettes a cause more lung damage.

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