‘Morning Joe’ Speculates About Trump’s Health: ‘Stumble for Stumble … Even Worse’ than Joe Biden

‘Morning Joe’ Speculates About Trump’s Health: ‘Stumble for Stumble … Even Worse’ than Joe Biden


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Donald Trump’s recent shocking demonstrations of ill-health at the US Military Academy at West Point take the spotlight off any gaffes by Democrat Joe Biden, and squarely on Trump in terms of fitness for office, according to the hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

During a recent visit to West Point, Trump both appeared to clearly stumble down a ramp and have visible difficulty raising a water glass to his mouth, raising serious new questions about the 74-year-old’s health and ability to do his job as president, particularly since Trump has been so secretive about his true overall health.

“A lot of people talking about the president’s health. We’ll leave it to the doctors for that. But it is images like this and even his speaking ability, or lack thereof, during this,” said host Joe Scarborough. “Again, undercuts their argument that Biden is a doddering old man and they should elect somebody with more energy than Joe Biden when, you know, clip for clip, stumble for stumble, Donald Trump seems to be right in line with Joe Biden or in many — “
“Way out front,” interjected co-host Mika Brzezinski.
“— in many cases, even worse,” Scarborough finished.

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    none given June 18, 2020

    He has dementia, just like his father. His motor functions are shot.