No, Trump Can’t Add Citizenship Question With Executive Order

No, Trump Can’t Add Citizenship Question With Executive Order


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Donald Trump might try to add the question he wants to the upcoming Census asking respondents about their citizenship, but no, it won’t hold up.

An executive order exists to inform federal agencies on how to enact the laws passed by Congress, or on how to act in a manner that matches the Constitution. In the latter instance, the Supreme Court is the sole authority that exists to determine whether something does or does not adhere to the intent behind the Constitution.

They’ve done that, and they ruled against Trump including such a question on the census.

If he attempts to invoke an executive order now to order the question included, it will likely be challenged in the courts, and the courts will sustain the objection and cancel the order, and the Census will be issued as it currently stands. One less thing for Trump to try and weaponise as a means to being re-elected.

Someone might want to let him know that the resources of the federal government don’t exist to keep him in office.

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