Pelosi: Democrats May Have ‘No Choice’ But Impeachment

Pelosi: Democrats May Have ‘No Choice’ But Impeachment


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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After months of dismissing the idea of impeaching Donald Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just this week acknowledged the possibility that it could be inevitable after the release of the redacted Mueller Report.

It wasn’t that long ago that Pelosi appeared to put a lid on any effort to impeach Trump by saying that he wasn’t “worth it.” Pelosi has been particularly averse to impeachment realizing that the Republican Senate is not likely to vote to remove Trump from office.

That was before the release of the 400-plus page report submitted by special counsel Robert Mueller which lays out specific and compelling information that Trump attempted to obstruct justice.

Pressure to impeach has begun to build since a redacted Mueller Report was made public last week. However, impeachment is a very divisive process, Pelosi emphasized.

“Well, I do believe that all of us in public office, and especially with any additional responsibilities, have a duty to the American people to keep us together. Our Founders, for all the good things they gave us, gave us guidance, ‘E pluribus unum’ from many, one,” she said. “They couldn’t imagine how many we would be, or how different we would be from each other, but they knew that we had to strive for oneness. I do believe that impeachment is one of the most divisive forces, paths that we could go down to in our country, but it’s the path that fact-finding takes us there, we have no choice. But we’re not there yet.

“And as I said, I said in my [dear colleague] letter, I said to my members, I say to you, as I said earlier, the many ways to hold the president accountable, the Congress,
the Justice Department, they have not decided to use its full power to impeach, to indict. Congress will not be silent in terms of using our constitutional power to find the facts for the American people.”

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