Pete Buttigieg May Appoint Big-Dollar Donors if Elected

Pete Buttigieg May Appoint Big-Dollar Donors if Elected

Image Credit: Lorie Shaull [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Flickr


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Welton Wang
Managing Editor
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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With both the Democratic contender Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders claiming to have a “100% grassroots” funded campaign, and Michael Bloomberg opting to completely self-fund his campaign with no donations, where the potential nominees are getting their money from is a hot topic this election.

Notably, Pete Buttigieg received backlash over hosting a private dinner party in Napa to solicit high-dollar donations.

Now, Pete is under the spotlight again on CNN’s State of the Union with Jake Tapper.

During the interview, Jake asked, ” Elizabeth Warren said she would not appoint any high dollar donors as ambassadors and do you make the same commitment?”

Without directly answering the questions, Pete replied, “Anybody I appoint to the office will be based if they are qualify and readiness to do the job. If I am looking agent a senior envoy to deal with Afghanistan and Pakistan and somebody emerges as the right person for that job with the best qualifications, are they going to be disqualified because they came to a house party for my campaign years earlier, no.”

Tapper then pressed on: No, no, big-dollar donors.

Pete: So the maximum is $2,800 and —

Tapper: There are people who are bundlers who raise money for super PACS, and you know how it works.

Pete: For my candidates appointed to any position will be there on the merits and neither qualified or disqualified based on the idea that they supported and believed in my campaign.

The concern among Democrats with accepting money from big-dollar donors is that those donors will have significant influence over the candidates, undermining their integrity and having unfair influence over their decisions.

Another concern is that these big-dollar donors will be able to get powerful positions in the government because of their donations, thereby “buying” their way in, despite them possibly not having the qualifications.

Will Pete Buttigieg bend to his donors if he is elected? Only time will tell.

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