Rep. Cohen Suggests Censure for Trump Due to Senate That ‘Lacks Spine’

Rep. Cohen Suggests Censure for Trump Due to Senate That ‘Lacks Spine’


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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The political calculus which guides top Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi against impeaching Donald Trump usually does so because of the reality that the Republican Senate will not vote to remove him from office.

However, a long time House Democrat has a new idea: censure for the president as a consequence for his alleged crimes, which include obstruction of justice. Further, Trump now has directed anyone involved in his administration not to cooperate with any subpoenas from the Democratic-controlled House.

“As far as the president, if we can’t impeach him, because I don’t think the Senate would [vote to remove] him if he shot the person on Fifth Avenue, we could censure him and a censure in the House which we can do, without the Senate, would at least have us go on record admonishing him for illegal conduct,” said Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.). “The Mueller Report shows there was obstruction of justice. There wasn’t guilt beyond a reasonable doubt but you don’t need preponderance of the evidence for impeachment or censure.

“We need to eventually censure this president and that’s unfortunately the best we can do the best with a Senate that is totally in his control and lacks the spine to uphold the Constitution,” Cohen added.

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