Republican Chertoff: Election Should Definitely Include Mail-In Ballots; There’s Never Been a Widespread Election Fraud

Republican Chertoff: Election Should Definitely Include Mail-In Ballots; There’s Never Been a Widespread Election Fraud


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Contradicting Donald Trump and many other Republicans, former homeland security secretary Michael Chertoff has endorsed the use of ballot-by-mail in this year’s elections.

Although many–including presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, have called for holding this year’s elections by ballot-by-mail–Donald Trump and many other Republicans have rejected that notion.

Republicans have gone so far as taking the issue to the Supreme Court last month over a primary election in Wisconsin in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic, when Democratic Gov. Tony Evers tried to postpone.

In the United States, nearly 1.7 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported, including nearly 100,000 dead, according to the most recent figures.

Proponents of using vote-by-mail this year say that it’s the wise choice given that it should reduce voters’ exposure to the virus.

Trump and his allies have been claiming, baselessly, that vote-by-mail leads to fraud.

Republican Michael Chertoff, who served as homeland security secretary in the George W Bush administration and was previously a judge and federal prosecutor, is bucking the nay-sayers.

“I believe it should definitely include mail-in ballots. There’s never been a demonstration of widespread fraud or misbehavior in mail-in ballots,” he said. “Actually, many years ago, I prosecuted somebody who committed election fraud, but it just was a handful of ballots for people who were incapacitated.

“The positive side of mail-in ballots is it allows people to vote without putting themselves at risk for long lines in an actual physical election voting sites,” Chertoff added. “The other thing we can do in addition to mail-in, is to have many more sites for curbside voting where you drive up, and you can deposit your ballot right on the site and it’s in lockdown. So having the most options possible is the best way to make sure people get to exercise their very important franchise as voters.”

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