Schumer: Trump Exec. Order ‘Was a Bunch of Vague Incentives,’ Isn’t Going To Lead on These Issues

Schumer: Trump Exec. Order ‘Was a Bunch of Vague Incentives,’ Isn’t Going To Lead on These Issues


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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The reforms which Donald Trump included in an executive order he signed Tuesday to respond to the murder of George Floyd in police custody are inadequate to meet the needs of the situation which has spawned protests nationwide, according to Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer.

After weeks of criticized the protesters who are seeking meaningful police reforms and an end to systemic racism, Trump rolled out an executive order, which would create a law enforcement database which would track officers dismissed for wrongdoing as well as other reforms.

However, there are many loopholes in the proposed database and it does not ban chokeholds nor deal with the shield police have against claims of wrongdoing called “qualified immunity.”

The Trump order is far short of what Black Lives Matter protesters have been demanding.

“Now yesterday we all got a good look at what window dressing looks like and what we must all strive to avoid,” Schumer said from the Senate floor Wednesday. “The president celebrated an executive order that was supposedly about police reform but in reality was a bunch of vague incentives to suggest that police departments change on their own. The ban on chokeholds wasn’t a ban at all, even though even the databases proposed by the executive order are voluntary, not mandatory.

“Befitting the seriousness of the topic, the president spent the majority of his press conference demonizing peaceful protesters, airing unjustified grievances against past administrations, and suggesting that the same scientific expertise that led to the AIDS vaccine will lead to a COVID vaccine. Of course, there is no AIDS vaccine,” Schumer added.

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