Sen Doug Jones: ‘I’m Scratching My Head’ Over Trump Saying Number of U.S. Virus Cases Is a ‘Badge of Honor’

Sen Doug Jones: ‘I’m Scratching My Head’ Over Trump Saying Number of U.S. Virus Cases Is a ‘Badge of Honor’


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Sen. Doug Jones of Alabama, considered the most vulnerable Democrat up for re-election this year, said that he doesn’t understand why Donald Trump would consider the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States to be a “badge of honor.”

In the United States there have been more than 1.6 million reported cases, including 95,467 deaths, by far the most in the world.

“I’m scratching my head too. It’s not just the logic, it’s the math. The fact is that there are people in this country that have this virus and that are going to get it. We need more testing to determine who that is,” said Jones, who has to be reelected in deep-red Alabama. “The fact that we have more testing doesn’t mean that the virus is spreading on its own because we’re doing testing. It means we’re being able to determine who that is, to help get the quarantine, to help stop the community spread.

“Fewer tests is not going to determine — I got no words. I just got no words for something like that. Fewer tests is not going to make for fewer cases,” Jones said. “It’s going to make for fewer confirmed cases and that is only going to exacerbate a problem of community spread if we can’t determine who’s got this virus.”

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    Pat Minor May 21, 2020

    Just a note to say that I appreciate that Sen Doug Jones is representing the people of Alabama at this time. It’s going to be a tough race for Sen Jones, but we are doing our best to get out the vote for him here in Alabama.