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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should go down in history as an American patriot of the highest order.
Not only did she maneuver the House in such a way that its membership took an overwhelmingly bipartisan stand of 354-60 against Donald Trump’s disasterous withdrawal from Syria (which was even criticized by Repubican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as a “grave strategic mistake”), once at the White House for a meeting with Trump, fellow lawmakers and other officials, she had the strength to literally stand up and speak truth to power and call Trump out on once again giving aid and comfort to Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
No one has benefited more from Trump’s cowardly and traitorous–there simply isn’t any honest word for it–withdrawal of the United States from Syria, destabilizing the region and leaving our erstwhile allies, the Kurds, open to genocide at the hands of the advancing Turks.
And Trump’s “ceasefire” is little more than still more capitulation to our adversaries in the region.
Of course, Trump’s response to Pelosi’s display of steel in his face was to turn on his toddlerish and puerile insults (which is so obvious his cover that he simply lacks the basic IQ and intelligence to debate policy).
Americans of all political pursuasions owe Speaker Pelosi a deep debt of gratitude to know that someone in authority is still willing to stand up for American interests.
No joke: She deserves a Presidential Medal of Freedom for her leadership. Of course, she will have to wait because she won’t get it from this president.
On the substance of this issue, Trump knows he is a traitor who has sold out the security of his nation.
Content from The Bipartisan Press. All Rights Reserved.
Wait a second.
So she’s NOT the Anti-Christ®?
Last grown up standing
Strongly agree w/Pelosi on the Syria issue.
Strongly agree w/Pelosi on the Syria issue — what Trump did hurt the US reputation a great deal.