Tlaib on Visit to Border Facility: ‘Literally Every Single Woman Confirmed’ They Were to Drink from Toilet

Tlaib on Visit to Border Facility: ‘Literally Every Single Woman Confirmed’ They Were to Drink from Toilet


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Speaking about her visit to a federal detention facility where immigrants are being held, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (R-Mich) confirmed that they are being held in inhumane conditions.

“Literally every single woman confirmed what the one woman said, which is, ‘I asked for water,’ and they said,’Go drink it from the toilet.’ I think there were too many of us, I mean there was close to over 10 or 11 members of Congress, several of them were in the same cell unit where the 14 women or so was at. And then I was in another unit – area where the door they finally were able to open up the door for me to speak to a grandmother who has been there for 40 days and had not seen her grandson that she came with since then, who is also special needs.”

Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents admitted that the kinds of immigration detention they are performing at these facilities is not humane, Tlaib said.

“Three agents took me aside, away from my colleagues and said, ‘More money is not going to fix this,’ that they were not trained to separate children. That they don’t want to separate two-year-olds away from their mothers. That’s not what they were trained for, that’s not what they signed up for in their service to our country. They signed up to protect the border, not to separate children, not to put people in cages. They all said this is a broken system, this is inhumane.”

Those conditions led Tlaib have led Tlaib to agree with colleague Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to categorize these detention facilities as “concentration camps.”

“Absolutely, I mean there’s an number of experts that say this is – because it’s traumatic,” Tlaib said. “I mean I don’t know how to explain to people what we saw when we’re explaining to people and they’re kind of looking back and saying, ‘Well that can’t be true.’ I said, ‘But we were all there,’ I mean you have Congressman [Joaquin] Castro [D-Tex], Melanie, Norma, all of us were there.”

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