Trump Is ‘Over With; Just a Matter of How Long He Flails on the Dock Like a Fish and Dries Up’

Trump Is ‘Over With; Just a Matter of How Long He Flails on the Dock Like a Fish and Dries Up’


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski laid down some important wisdom this week, not only for her own news program’s coverage of Donald Trump–but for the news media at large.

“I don’t even want to talk about Donald Trump: He lost the election, he’s over with. It’s just now a matter of how long he flails like a fish on the dock before he dries up,” she said, looking straight into the camera. “And it’s getting boring. Are they really going to follow this still? Do they care about anything but Trump and what is the hold that even [President Barack] Obama didn’t predict that he has on them?”

Brzezinski was speaking about Trump’s seemingly ardent bands of supporters continuing to follow the soon-to-be former president. But she might have been talking about the press, as well.

Perhaps this is easy advice for a president who will be out of office in a matter of weeks.

But, truly, easy or not, it’s advice that the press should have been heeding for years now, as Trump abused his office as he told a breathtaking 22,000 or more false or misleading claims–at some points during the recent campaign at a rate of 50 per day.

Granted, they were dealing with a phenomenon never before seen in the modern history of the Republic.

But the press should have gotten a handle on how to deal with not only the lies, but the racism and the ongoing divisiveness much, much sooner.

It shouldn’t have taken our civil society so long to call what’s clearly wrong, “Wrong.”

It’s a little late now.

Now we all have to pitch in and fix what Trump’s left broken.

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