Trump May Well Find Racism Two-sided Sword

Trump May Well Find Racism Two-sided Sword


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Donald Trump came to power by recognizing that, in the midst of great ethnic shifts underway in the United States, he could manipulate the remnant racist resentments of segments of white America.

Whether it was by declaring a wall must be built along the southern border to keep out Mexicans who could be “rapists” and worse, declaring there were “very fine people” on both sides of the racist protest in Charlottesville, Va., telling non-white American congresswomen to “go back” to the countries they came from, and more, Trump has actively stoked racism in this country as a means of firing up his political base.

Now comes evidence that another strong political constituency is saying, “Enough!” to Trump’s attempt to renormalize racism in America.

A majority of black Americans are more interested in voting in the 2020 presidential election than they were in 2016, according to a national survey of black voters and non-voters, reported by Axios.

Despite his repeated dishonest puffery, Trump won his Electoral College victory for the presidency only by a slim popular vote margin of some 80,000 votes in three States: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Moreover, Trump’s victory was aided by Black voter turnout, which declined significantly in 2016 nationally and in key swing states.

This new survey as published by Axios strongly suggests that Trump’s long pattern of racism is motivating these Black voters to reverse that and come back out in 2020 in higher numbers again.

That’s not going to be good news for Trump as he struggles to find the votes for a second term.

But if Black and African American voters do come out in force on Election Day to punish Trump, it should send the message that, “No, racism has no place in American society.”

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