Neutral Bias
This article has neutral bias with a bias score of 0 from our political bias detecting A.I.
Welton Wang
Managing Editor
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press
The Facts
Like him or hate him, President Trump consistently pushes the envelope. He seems to enjoy being controversial, and he definitely likes the spotlight.
President Trump has not really done anything widely divergent from what other Republican presidents have done. But the manner in which he does it is quite controversial. He is bold, brash, and also unpredictable. These are not necessarily negative attributes, but they differ from the actions of past U.S. presidents.
The media never loved Trump. Prior to his campaign, they seemed to like covering him when convenient — when it would boost their ratings. During
his campaign, they covered him extensively because he got them high viewership. Then-candidate Trump would call into television shows regularly and voice his opinion on topics, and viewers definitely watched these segments. He made himself highly accessible, and he would often make controversial statements. If sex sells, controversy sells more.
The media was largely unhappy with Trump becoming president. Rather than simply covering him for ratings, they now were forced to cover him because of him being the President. Trump also did not follow the practices of prior administrations, such as by him skipping the White House Correspondents’ Dinner for two years in a row now. His actions with foreign countries such as North Korea have been unpredictable (but arguably successful). He also espouses a dislike of the media and the fake news as he calls much of the media.
The Democrat
The media doesn’t feel negatively about President Trump. And that’s because there is no “the media.:
That phrase is held up by Trump supporters, and the President himself, to denounce any stories they don’t want to hear or don’t agree with. It puts legitimate news organizations such as the Associated Press, which goes through a VIGOROUS vetting process prior to print, in the same category as Johnny the Lefty who runs a blog from his basement.
What needs to be understood is the difference between hard editorial and opinion. One reports the facts and one conveys thoughts. Are some opinion contributors focused on conveying the facts of any given issue? Absolutely.
But more often than not, it’s either about swaying public opinion or raising a personal profile. That’s a slippery slope given the laziness so many have in looking deeper into what they see and read. Alternative facts are the result.
Real news outlets and journalists do everything they can to get it right.
Their legitimacy and jobs depend on it. It’s similar to scientists who are much less concerned with the outcome than they are with the scientific process used to reach that outcome. That’s how they get to the truth.
Donald Trump has broken all the rules we’ve previously known and come to expect from a President. Merely reporting on what he does and says is enough to paint a negative picture. But as long as Americans turn away from
CONSIDERING THE SOURCE of the news and stories they consume, the door will be open to blaming the media for what some feel is negative reporting.
The Republican
The media have been all-powerful in the past and when they want to destroy someone they have been very effective at doing it. Trump seems like The Teflon Don impervious to media attacks and in fact, he has gotten stronger with his base because of it. His giant ego and supreme self-confidence appeals to his base and is despised by the media. Trump Derangement Syndrome is the real deal and now the media and the Dems are doubling down.
Another reason is that he makes Obama look weak and ineffective which is blasphemy to many in the country and definitely with the media. Here is an example: Obama scoffed at Trump saying that he was going to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. Obama practically spits on him with his deeply scoffing tone saying: what is he going to do, wave a magic wand and bring them back and then he did making Obama look completely incompetent which he definitely is.
It simply took a tax break in the corporate income tax rate which was the highest on our planet. He showed up Clinton’s NAFTA deal which was bad for our country and Trump made better deals. Trump made European allies finally pay for their military protection that they were legally required to do but Trump actually enforced it for the first time in history.
All previous presidents failed at reigning in North Korea and through his personality, he got the little tin-horn dictator to start denuclearization.
But the most important is that Trump keeps calling out the media on their sins and their short-comings and his base absolutely loves it. They have gone on full attack mode 24/7 and still, he survives. It is sort of like our fort in Saint Augustine when they were under attack. The fort was made from indigenous coquina rock which is soft. Every time they shot a cannon at it, the cannonball disappeared into the coquina rock and after a 24-hour bombardment, the captains abandoned their attack claiming that the cannonballs actually appeared to strengthen the walls. Unfortunately, the press is not going to come to their senses any time soon.
All statement here representing the opinions of an individual, not necessarily that of the party. These are by no means official statements.
Just found this. Interesting.