Category: Racism

‘Take the Laws We Already Have and Apply Them to White People’

‘Take the Laws We Already Have and Apply Them to White People’

Certainly for those people of color--particularly Black people--who saw a very different reception from Capitol Police towards the Trump-backing terrorists storming the halls of Congress compared to racial confrontations in cities like Baltimore, Md., and elsewhere. The difference: both the police and those coming in rioting were all largely white.
Fmr Republican Steve Schmidt: ‘We’re in a Fight Now Between an Autocratic Movement and a Democratic Movement’

Fmr Republican Steve Schmidt: ‘We’re in a Fight Now Between an Autocratic Movement and a Democratic Movement’

Donald Trump's supporters are not driven by a sense of "delusion," but rather an authoritarian movement in the nation aimed at bringing down democracy itself, according to one of the most prominent former Republicans who led the fight to defeat Trump.
‘We Simply Want To Be Allowed to Live’

‘We Simply Want To Be Allowed to Live’

From activists to the halls of power in Washington DC, more were speaking out against the grand jury decision that left no charges related to the death of Breonna Taylor of Louisville Ky.
Joy Ann Reid: How Is It a ‘No-Knock Warrant’ But the Police Said They Knocked?

Joy Ann Reid: How Is It a ‘No-Knock Warrant’ But the Police Said They Knocked?

Hours after a Louisville, Ky., grand jury returned an indictment against a single police officer in the death of Breonna Taylor, a young Black woman shot to death in her apartment the night of March 13, MSNBC host Joy Reid asked some key questions about the case that don't all add up.