By contributing on our site, you agree to the following policies:
General Contributor Policies
These are general policies that apply to all contributors and don’t fall under a specific category.
Trial Period
All new authors are placed on a two article trial period. During this time, they will not have direct access to the CMS and will not be able to have their earnings paid. After two articles, these restrictions will not apply. This is to reduce the number of contributors that apply but “ghost” the site, therefore leaving log-in security holes.
We do not enforce a minimum contribution timeframe. However, we do ask that authors stay aware of our site and try to contribute at least once a month, more if possible. Inactive users (no contribution in 90 days) will be notified and given a 30 period to express continued interest in contributing. If no response is received, we reserve the right to close your account and suspend any remaining payments. This does not apply to guest posts.
By submitting your own work to The Bipartisan Press, you grant it and its administrators irreversible, irrevocable, right to use the content as it sees fit, including, but not limited to: advertising, commercial and non-commercial use, promotional use, graphical use, publication use, syndication use, etc.
However, if you feel that your content is being used in a way that defies its original meaning, you may contact us and we will do everything in our power to correct it.
If you wish for your content to be removed, please contact us with a reason and we will do our best to accommodate.
We strongly encourage authors to respond to discussion in their comments and clear up any possible misconceptions or misinterpretations.
Content Policies
These policies outline the type of articles we accept. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in article deletion and/or account deletion for repeated offenses
Posts must be related to United States politics in some sort of manner. We accept articles on foreign policy, but these policies must have some sort of connection to U.S. politics.
Word Count
We do not have a required word count, though brief articles usually aren’t accepted. We do recommend that articles are 650-1400+ words.
All articles must be original to The Bipartisan Press and cannot have been published elsewhere. Unless granted permission from an editor, articles cannot be copied or rewritten and must be original work.
Articles may not support claims that have been proven wrong by a reliable fact-checking website. Nor may articles support claims that are widely accepted as false, (e.g. “flat earth”) unless convincing evidence is provided that refutes publically accepted points.
Please try to follow Associated Press styling when writing articles. All articles should follow basic English grammar guidelines. Sources should be cited as quotes, not footnotes.
Articles should be of high quality. By this we mean:
- Backed by statistics/quotes/studies/data/sources
- In-depth and fully explained
- Unique and insightful
- Fully readable
- No excessive promotional content
- Content written for human readers, not crawlers/robots
Payment Policies
Note: As of September 2nd, the dashboard has not been finalized and earnings are not accurate
We currently work on an ad-revenue share basis. Earnings may be checked while logged in by visiting: Revenue is subject to change and it’s up to the admin to decide what is the final total due.
We reserve the right to refuse payment if we believe with reasonable suspicion that you are driving invalid, bot, or paid traffic in order to boost impressions.
Revenue Share
All new authors start at a 40% revenue share. Once you reach a certain threshold of articles, your share will be increased.
Payment Methods
Payment methods are subject to change. Currently, we are able to pay via Venmo once a $15 threshold has been reached.
Payment Time
We pay every 30 days. We will make the best effort to pay on time. However, if the event of a financial lacking, we reserve the right to temporarily suspend payments. You will be notified 3 days before the payment date if this happens and given a reason.
Unpaid Earnings
We are not responsible for earnings in the event that:
- The contributor fails to meet the threshold.
- The contributor fails to provide valid payment information.
- The contributor fails to pass the two article trial period.
- The contributor deletes his account.
- The contributor does not follow content guidelines
- The contributor uses invalid methods of boosting earnings (paid traffic, traffic referral/exchange sites, bot traffic, bot clicking ads, etc)
These guidelines are subject to change without notice.