Category: Bipartisan

REACTIONS: Was Soleimani Death’s Good or Bad?
Was General Soleimani responsible for the deaths of Americans? Can he be considered a terrorist? Did the benefits of killing him outweigh the effects of heightened conflict with Iran?

More Reason for Optimism in the New Year: Bipartisan Congressional Modernization
Not only can we wait to see what more the select committee recommends, we can hope that it's continued bipartisan and collegial spirit rubs off on the rest of the institution.

The US Space Program? It’s a Disgrace
The United States used to be about big things. What happened to that, especially when it comes to outer space?

This Thanksgiving, Perhaps It’s Time Again To Be Thankful To Be Americans
In our current tribalistic and hyper-partisan lives, we have perhaps become too often accustomed to identifying ourselves or our neighbors first as Democrats or Republicans, liberals or conservatives... instead of what unites us first as Americans.

Trump Should Side With Democracy, Not His ‘Friend’ in China
Regardless of the fact that his fellow Republicans overwhelmingly support the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, Trump has made noises of threatening to veto the bill when it reaches his desk. His rationale is less than compelling.

Study: It’s Not Too Late to Fix Divided America
With the 2020 presidential election quickly approaching, politics in America are now more heated than ever.

In ‘The Swamp,’ Influence Peddling Continues Unabated
Influence peddling has only grown rampaciously during the Trump administration. It now appears to touch all three branches and it's a bipartisan problem.

We Have Met Our Greatest Security Threat, and It Is Us
As we stop to remember the solemn events of September 11, 2001, perhaps we can recall nothing more important than the great spirit of togetherness and national unity that the terrible terrorist attacks of that day engendered across the nation.

Could Republicans Come Together on Background Checks With Democrats Supporting Voter ID?
I'll concede your constitutional point that the 2nd Amendment prohibits us from making law that infringes on the right of “the people” to keep and bear arms. Now you will concede that it is equally constitutionally clear in the 24th Amendment that no government fee can impede a citizen's right to vote.

Jennifer Granholm to Mia Love: More Republicans Like You Should Come out and Tell Trump, ‘Enough Is Enough’
The first black female Republican elected to Congress took Donald Trump to task for his ongoing string of racist tweets attacking non-white Democratic figures.