Category: Climate Change
Sanders on the Budget Bill: ‘We Are Pouring a Huge Amount of Money into Moving Our Economy and Away from Fossil Fuels’
The $3.5 trillion spending package which Senate Democrats agreed to this week will be a highly transformative piece of legislation for the nation, according to its chief architect, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders.
Markey: ‘I Say No Deal’ If GOP Won’t Put Climate Provisions in Infrastructure
Another Democratic lawmaker has drawn a line in the sand as it relates to compromise with Republicans on President Biden's once-in-a-generation American Jobs Plan infrastructure initiative.
W.H. Climate Adviser: When the President Says He Hears the Word ‘Climate,’ He Thinks ‘Jobs’
While a Republican climate denier tries to play "gotcha" by singling out the elements of President Biden's big new infrastructure plan which pertain to dealing with global climate change, the White House climate adviser is more than happy to own those provisions.
Biden: ‘We Need a Unified National Response to Climate Change’
After four years of neglect and inaction by the Trump administration, President-elect Biden's pledging a new muscular and "unified" national response to meet the challenges of global climate change.