Category: Justice

‘For Originalists Like Judge Barrett, LGBTQ Stands for Let’s Go Back in Time’

‘For Originalists Like Judge Barrett, LGBTQ Stands for Let’s Go Back in Time’

Powerless to stop it, congressional Democrats could only bemoan and criticize the narrow vote by Senate Republicans just a week before Election Day to install Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court.
Senators Back Biden on the Supreme Court

Senators Back Biden on the Supreme Court

A pair of Senate Democrats are speaking out to back up Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's options to deal with an increasingly partisan Supreme Court should he be elected president.
Biden Accuses Trump of ‘Court Packing’ for Filling Current Vacancy

Biden Accuses Trump of ‘Court Packing’ for Filling Current Vacancy

While Republicans try to make so-called "court packing" an issue in the home stretch of this year's elections, Democrat Joe Biden asserts that it's Donald Trump who is guilty of the practice.
Sen. Booker Calls on Republicans to Stop  Barrett’s Nomination: ‘The Only Thing that Heals This Body Is a Revival of Civic Grace’

Sen. Booker Calls on Republicans to Stop Barrett’s Nomination: ‘The Only Thing that Heals This Body Is a Revival of Civic Grace’

A Democratic member of the Senate Judiciary Committee is calling on his Republican colleagues to pull the nomination of Any Coney Barrett for a seat on the Supreme Court. To do so would go towards healing the acrimony in the nation, he said.
In A Matter of Months, Donald Trump Could Well Be Charged With…Murder

In A Matter of Months, Donald Trump Could Well Be Charged With…Murder

Trump may really want to hire himself his own legal dream because in addition to obstruction, tax fraud and whatever else prosecutors decide to throw at him, it's not beyond the possible that he may find his name next to a murder charge. And, yes, you read that right.
‘We Simply Want To Be Allowed to Live’

‘We Simply Want To Be Allowed to Live’

From activists to the halls of power in Washington DC, more were speaking out against the grand jury decision that left no charges related to the death of Breonna Taylor of Louisville Ky.
Joy Ann Reid: How Is It a ‘No-Knock Warrant’ But the Police Said They Knocked?

Joy Ann Reid: How Is It a ‘No-Knock Warrant’ But the Police Said They Knocked?

Hours after a Louisville, Ky., grand jury returned an indictment against a single police officer in the death of Breonna Taylor, a young Black woman shot to death in her apartment the night of March 13, MSNBC host Joy Reid asked some key questions about the case that don't all add up.
‘I’m Finding It Hard to Find the Balance to Grieve and the Urge to Fight’

‘I’m Finding It Hard to Find the Balance to Grieve and the Urge to Fight’

With Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's body lying this week in repose at the Supreme Court, partisans both are trying to remember the great jurist Ginsburg proved to be in nearly three decades on the nation's high court as well as engage what's become the quick fight over her successor.
As McConnell Rolled Over Ginsburg’s Corpse, Hillary Offers Democrats Plan to Fight Back

As McConnell Rolled Over Ginsburg’s Corpse, Hillary Offers Democrats Plan to Fight Back

Strangely, it fell to Trump's 2016 rival, Hillary Clinton, who gave voice, solace and hope to millions of Democrats simultaneously suddenly grieving Ginsburg and dispirited over Trump's sudden ability to remake the nation's highest court in a decidedly right-wing slant.
MSNBC’s Joy Reid: Trump’s ‘Radicalizing’ His Supporters in the Same Way Muslims Are

MSNBC’s Joy Reid: Trump’s ‘Radicalizing’ His Supporters in the Same Way Muslims Are

Donald Trump's radicalizing some of his most fervent supporters in violence in a similar way that experts see some Muslim terrorists are radicalized, according to MSNBC host Joy Reid.