Category: Republicans

Fmr Senator On GOP Opposing Vaccine Mandate: Are We Going to Go Back to the Days of Children Dying … of Chicken Pox?

Fmr Senator On GOP Opposing Vaccine Mandate: Are We Going to Go Back to the Days of Children Dying … of Chicken Pox?

The virulence with which Republicans -- including a number of Republican state governors around the country -- are opposing the vaccine mandate which President Biden is implementing has at least one former Democratic senator from Missouri frightened for the future of the health of American children.
Attorney: Dems Need to Fix a ‘Radical’ Supreme Court Beholden to ‘Very Right Wing Idealogues’

Attorney: Dems Need to Fix a ‘Radical’ Supreme Court Beholden to ‘Very Right Wing Idealogues’

The new Texas abortion ban which took effect last week -- after the US Supreme Court took a pass on an emergency appeal of the law -- has reawakened the debate about President Biden and congressional Democrats taking action to reform the high court after Donald Trump and his Republican allies spent four years tilting it to the hard right.
‘Classic Race-Baiting’: Texas ER Doc Blasts Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick for Blaming Unvaccinated Black Americans for COVID Surge

‘Classic Race-Baiting’: Texas ER Doc Blasts Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick for Blaming Unvaccinated Black Americans for COVID Surge

Those who have been anti-vaccine are now increasingly looking to point the finger of unvaccination elsewhere, in the face of mounting new cases of the illness and its Delta variant. And they are often pointing towards Black Americans. Now an ER doctor is calling out one such individual, her state's Republican lieutenant governor, Dan Patrick, of Texas.
Democrats And Republicans Amp Up Criticism of Biden Over Afghanistan

Democrats And Republicans Amp Up Criticism of Biden Over Afghanistan

Chalk this up as President Biden's latest accomplishment in bipartisanship: both Democrats and Republicans are racheting up criticism of the actions he's taking in Afghanistan.
Commentator: Reps Cheney, Kinzinger Risking Their Political Careers by Being on Jan 6 Select Committee

Commentator: Reps Cheney, Kinzinger Risking Their Political Careers by Being on Jan 6 Select Committee

Republican Reps Liz Cheney, of Wyoming, and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, "are taking a real political risk" by taking part in the House elect committee investigating the deadly January 6 Capitol insurrection, according to prominent conservative commentator Margaret Hoover.
Never Trumper Dent: ‘I Can’t Imagine’ Trump Running for President in 2024

Never Trumper Dent: ‘I Can’t Imagine’ Trump Running for President in 2024

Former president Donald Trump's a "diminished figure," who -- while still dangerous -- won't actually run for president in 2024, according to a former Republican congressman who developed a reputation as a "Never Trumper."
GOP Governor Complains Of Misinformation Leading to Lower Vaccination Rates While Fellow Republican Stoke Falsehoods

GOP Governor Complains Of Misinformation Leading to Lower Vaccination Rates While Fellow Republican Stoke Falsehoods

The Republican governor of Arkansas is speaking up about misinformation contributing to a lower rate of vaccination against COVID-19. It's Gov Asa Hutchinson's fellow Republicans who are typically spreading that misinformation, however.
Fauci to Anti-Vaxxers: Get over It, Get over this Political Statement and Save Lives

Fauci to Anti-Vaxxers: Get over It, Get over this Political Statement and Save Lives

Dr Anthony Fauci, the federal immunologist who's become a household name during the coronavirus pandemic, has sharpened his rhetoric against those who continue to denigrate available vaccines against the virus.
TV Host to Manchin: Why Don’t You Ever Draw Red Lines Against the GOP? You Are the Man with Leverage

TV Host to Manchin: Why Don’t You Ever Draw Red Lines Against the GOP? You Are the Man with Leverage

In a television interview Sunday, ABC News host Jon Karl turned the tables on Joe Manchin, asking the West Virginian why he never uses that influence as a cudgel against Republicans to fall in line for more of the bipartisanship that Manchin regularly says is his goal.
GOP Reps Voting ‘No’ to Give Capitol Cops the Medal of Honor Is a ‘New Low’

GOP Reps Voting ‘No’ to Give Capitol Cops the Medal of Honor Is a ‘New Low’

As the House voted again Tuesday to award would bestow the Congressional Gold Medal to the Capitol Police, local DC police, as well as commend other federal officers who assisted the response to the deadly January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, some 21 Republican lawmakers voted "no."