Al Sharpton to NFL Commissioner: ‘Don’t Apologize, Give Colin Kaepernick a Job Back!’

Al Sharpton to NFL Commissioner: ‘Don’t Apologize, Give Colin Kaepernick a Job Back!’


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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As he delivered the eulogy at George Floyd’s funeral, the Rev Al Sharpton touched on NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s recent apology for the league’s treatment of quarterback Colin Kaepernick, saying that instead of apologizing, a pro team ought to sign the former San Francisco 49er.

Goodell recently apologized for the league’s treatment of Kaepernick, who became known for taking a knee during the national anthem in protest of racist police violence.

Kaepernick hasn’t played professionally since 2016, and many observers attribute his difficulty in getting signed to the stand that he took for civil rights.

That stand is in a whole new light, however, after the May 25 murder of George Floyd, an African American man who was in police custody in Minneapolis, Minn.

Floyd’s murder has sparked an entire nationwide movement of protests filling American streets, coast-to-coast.

Floyd was memorialized by Sharpton in a funeral held in Texas, in which Sharpton touched on Kaepernick’s situation.

“So yeah, it’s nice that everybody wants to now study the problem. It’s nice big corporations say we are going to throw money to study equal justice. But if we went out here and did that to a young white kid, you wouldn’t need no study,” said Sharpton. “You’d know what to do. And you know what to do now. The Bible says do justice. All this family wants is justice.

“Oh, it’s nice to see some people change their mind, head of the NFL said, ‘Yeah, maybe we was wrong. Football players, maybe they did have the right to peacefully protest.’ Well, don’t apologize. Give Colin Kaepernick a job back!” he added.

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