Doctor Infected with COVID-19 Tells His Story

Doctor Infected with COVID-19 Tells His Story


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Dr. Yale Tung Chen was busily treating patients at a university hospital in Madrid, Spain. That is, until five days ago, when he first developed symptoms of COVID 19, the disease produced by the coronavirus.

“Well, one of my colleagues was positive probably way before the rest of us. So this is a message I want to send to all my doctor fellows, colleagues, to be careful,” Chen said in a television interview with CNN. “Anyone who is symptomatic to avoid any contact or even work.”

Several days into the course of the illness Chen was already beginning to feel markedly better, but he retraced his symptoms.

“The first day I started with some chills, with sore throat, cough, and a terrible headache. And low-grade fever. And then moved to Day Two, the headache started to fade away, I started with small, mild diarrhea and the low-grade fever disappeared also,” he said. “The cough still was there. Day Three, I started to feel a little bit better.”

Additionally, ultrasounds were taken of Chen’s lungs, which revealed that he had developed pneumonia.

“Yes. Pneumonia is common. Right now I’m doing just fine,” he said.

Chen was already looking towards the day that he could go back to work.

“Probably in one week time hopefully. If everything goes right, as soon as I don’t have symptoms, I can repeat my test, and if it turns negative, I can go back to work,” he said. “And, yes, probably my bosses will put me in the front line to see the patients.

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