Minimal Left Bias
This article has minimal left bias with a bias score of -15.45 from our political bias detecting A.I.
Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press
A conservative former governor of Michigan is the latest Republican to cross party lines and endorse Democrat Joe Biden as president.
Rick Snyder’s endorsement, however, came as a real surprise as his years in Lansing were marked by decidedly conservative governance. Snyder was never mistaken for a moderate.
However, this year’s election is marked by the large number of prominent Republicans who have refused to back fellow Republican Donald Trump.
“Well, it’s the party of Trump, today. I still believe in the Republican Party. And a number of the principles that go back decades. And I’m not going to change from that,” Snyder said. “I am happy to support Republican candidates, and I want to. But as a practical matter, again, America comes first. And in this case, Donald Trump is not the right person to be president of the United States for this next term.“
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