Fmr Republican Strategist: GOP Has Drawn a Line in the Sand and Said They Are for ‘White Power in America’

Fmr Republican Strategist: GOP Has Drawn a Line in the Sand and Said They Are for ‘White Power in America’


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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The Republican Party has cast aside its core principles and faith in democracy in order to move towards an embrace of power aimed at one thing: advancing white people at the expense of American people of color.

That’s according to former GOP strategist and Lincoln Project adviser Kurt Bardella.

The Republican Party stoked racism and white grievance to win elections for a half-century, but took that oppression to new levels under the years of Donald Trump.

Georgia, and other states, are passing legislation that critics — including President Biden — say are aimed at making it more difficult for Black and brown Americans to vote.

“They want to do everything they can to use the instruments of power that they currently have to cast off people of color, to hold them at the mercy of white law enforcement and to make sure that they cannot vote,” said Bardella, who once worked for GOP Reps Darrell Issa and Brian Bilbray, of California. “It is absurd that we live in a time where a law can be passed by Republicans, who by the way, used to spend all day whining about the overreach and where are those who are saying you can’t get a bottle of water when you’re in line to vote?

“The Republican Party has drawn a line in the sand and they’ve definitively said they are for white power in America and the choice now that we all have to make and the choice that I think that Democrats in Congress and the Biden administration have to make is what are they going do to stop it? Because Republicans aren’t playing by the rules,” Bardella added.

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