Gov. Cuomo Says NY Now Only 4 to 8 Days From COVID-19 Peak but ‘We’re Not Yet Ready’ for It

Gov. Cuomo Says NY Now Only 4 to 8 Days From COVID-19 Peak but ‘We’re Not Yet Ready’ for It


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

Hover to Expand

The New York area, which has been dealing with most of the cases of COVID-19 in the United States, will likely reach the apex of the region’s pandemic within days–but the state’s still not ready, according to Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D).

There have been more than 1 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide. The virus has killed more than 58,000. 

In the United States, there have been 311,637 reported cases, including 8,454 deaths, according to the most recent figures.

The area around New York has become the epicenter for COVID-19 illness in the United States.

“We’re tracking the growth of the number of infections by hospital, and we can see just where the numbers are increasing. We’ve been talking about hitting the apex,” Cuomo said. “The apex is the point where the number of infections on a daily basis is at the high point that is the ultimate challenge I call it the battle of the mountaintop. That will be the Number One point of the engagement of the enemy.

“By the numbers we’re not at the apex. We’re getting closer, depending on whose model you’ll look at. They’ll say four, five, six seven days, some people go out 14 days but our reading of the projections is we’re somewhere in the seven-day range, four, five, six day range,” he added. “Nobody can give you a specific number, which makes it frustrating to plan when you don’t have a specific number or date, but we’re in that range. We’re not yet at the apex, but part of me says it’s good we’re not at the apex, because we’re not yet ready.”

The state’s been running short on needed medical equipment like ventilators, and personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks and gowns which medical professionals require.

Cuomo just signed an executive order designed to confiscate ventilators and PPE from hospitals where they are not used and deliver them to those where they are.

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