It’s Time for Other Democrats To Follow Kamala Harris Out Of the Exits

It’s Time for Other Democrats To Follow Kamala Harris Out Of the Exits


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Faced with a financial picture darkening by the day, Sen. Kamala Harris did what what she had to, and end her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The truth is a reflection both on this year’s Democratic presidential field overall, and the Harris campaign in particular.

Even with the departure of Harris, 15 Democrats are left among the presidential contenders. That includes recent additions Deval Patrick and Michael Bloomberg.

This field remains way too crowded, and a number of hopefuls should do the honorable thing and follow the example of Harris.

These are good Democrats, who in another year, might have gained traction. But not this year. They are barely registering in the public opinion polls and frankly barely relevant to the national conversation.

This includes everyone from Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado, to Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota.

Then there was Harris herself. A former California prosecutor and attorney general, she never seemed sure how much of her “tough on crime” resume to embrace, and how much to try to explain away.

Her biggest moment came when she challenged former vice president Joe Biden on racial issues. But then appeared to struggle when reporters asked her how her stance really differed from Biden’s.

The truth is that Harris has been a US senator, and therefore on the national stage, only since 2017.

Perhaps Harris will find better success on the road to the White House another year.

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