Meghan McCain: I’m Fearful ‘Totalitarian’ Trump Will Try Pandemic Power Grab

Meghan McCain: I’m Fearful ‘Totalitarian’ Trump Will Try Pandemic Power Grab


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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A prominent conservative commentator on television has voiced her concerns that Donald Trump will use the coronavirus pandemic as a means for an authoritarian power grab.

Like the rest of the world, the United States is reeling from the effects of coronavirus, the mass deaths caused by the COVID-19 disease and the economic fallout from the extreme lockdown and social distancing measures most of the nation is under in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus.

“So I think the point you’re making, Sunny, about the [Trump] press conferences, because there is an argument that’s being made by some people in media that the press conferences shouldn’t be being covered at all, and my argument for keeping the press conferences is I think we’re at a place where President Trump, he has always been a sort of totalitarian president in a way that we’ve never historically seen before. And my fear is that he’s going to play on the American public’s fears in a draconian way, and possibly do something akin to the Patriot Act going forward where he uses this moment in time to play off our fears for his own benefit,” Meghan McCain said in conversation on the daily TV talk show which she co-hosts. “And I think seeing front and center what him and his team — I for one, became even more fearful of what was happening when I saw how inept [Trump son-in-law and adviser] Jared Kushner was.

“So I think while he has a team of doctors like Dr. Fauci that we’re all in agreement is doing a great job, my fear is that is moment in time that can be manipulated by our powers, and by the government in place, and I want to see front and center what he’s saying, no matter how ridiculous some of the press conference commentary ebbs into,” McCain added.

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