President-elect Biden: The Small Act of Staying Home Is a Gift to Our Fellow Americans

President-elect Biden: The Small Act of Staying Home Is a Gift to Our Fellow Americans


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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President-elect Biden described the small Thanksgiving dinner he and his family would enjoy at home in Wilmington, Del., as part of the small sacrifices all Americans should be taking to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Wearing masks, socially distancing and taking other steps recommended by the public health professionals has been a central theme for Biden since he was declared as the nation’s next president earlier this month.

There have been more than 12.8 million reported cases of COVID-19 and more than 262,000 deaths from the disease, according to the latest statistics.

“Thanksgiving has always been a special time for the Biden family. For us, we’ve had a long, long tradition of traveling to Nantucket with our big family, a large family every Thanksgiving. We won’t be doing that this year. This year we’re going to be staying in Delaware with just a small group around at our dinner table,” the president-elect said. “I know this isn’t the way many of us hoped we’d spend our holiday. We know that a small act of staying home is a gift to our fellow Americans.

“Yes, it’s a personal sacrifice that each of our families can make and should make to save somebody else’s life. But it’s also a shared sacrifice for the whole country,” he added. “The statement of common purpose that says we care about one another, and we’re all in this together.”

The incoming first lady added a hopeful and uplifting note, but also a word to those grieving, as well.

“This has been a year filled with heartache and loss. Yet, there’s still so much to be thankful for,” said Jill Biden said. “We’re thankful for the millions of Americans who’ve been working on the front lines throughout this pandemic, those who care for our sick, who help put food on our tables, who teach our children, who put on the uniform to serve our nation, and the families who love them as well. We’re thankful for everyone who met this moment with kindness, bringing groceries to neighbors or asking ‘how can I help,’ for every small business owner who put their employees and their communities before themselves.

“So many people are celebrating this year knowing that someone they love will never again take their seat at the table. Joe and I know the pain of that empty chair,” she said. “If you are one of those families, please know that our hearts are with you and that you know that you aren’t alone.”

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