Progressives, We May Now Enjoy Chik Fil A Guilt-free

Progressives, We May Now Enjoy Chik Fil A Guilt-free


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Fellow progressives, the day we’ve dreamed of has finally arrived: you can enjoy the deliciousness that is Chik Fil A the same as all Americans, now guilt-free.

Popeye’s may have recently giving them a run for their money with their chicken sandwich, but Chik fil A’s chicken sandwiches have long put other fast food chicken to shame.

Many a Chik fil A aficionado has half-jokingly wondered what sort of addictive substance they add to the batter that makes their food so alluring.

And the grilled nuggets are not only tasty but a healthier alternative to other fast food nuggets.

And yet like other progressives, I sought to stay away for Chik Fil A’s reported policy of donating to anti-choice and and anti-LGBT causes.

No more.

Chik Fil A announced Monday that had refocused its charitable giving away from such groups.

Apparently, the collective willpower of American progressives has finally paid off. Chick Fil A’s move certainly angered those on the right who approved of the company’s previous stances. And they were quick to point to the progressive boycott as the culprit.

I suppose the moral of this story is that if progressives hold on long enough they can have they uphold their values and eat their chicken, too.

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  • comment-avatar
    Andrew Bierlein November 22, 2019

    Money talks. Bullshit religions walk.
    This is not a victory for progressives.
    This is a victory for capitalism.
    Next up: Open on Sundays to get that sweet, sweet
    post religious services money…

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    dan hunter November 24, 2019

    Yes, but will that be white meat or dark meat?