Psaki: I Don’t Know if Anything We Do in the White House Is Boring

Psaki: I Don’t Know if Anything We Do in the White House Is Boring


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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If you’re one of those who say that President Biden and his White House are, well, a bit boring — press secretary Jen Psaki would beg to differ.

Ever since her boss’s inauguration, Psaki has been holding forth in the White House Briefing Room, taking reporters’ questions and communicating the priorities and goings on within the Biden administration.

Granted, Psaki’s been doing this in a more mature, adult — and truthful — fashion than her immediate predecessors who occupied the podium for Donald Trump.

But please don’t call it boring.

“I don’t think anything we’re doing around here is boring. Getting the pandemic under control, going on our first foreign trip, putting millions of Americans back to work, I don’t know what version of that is boring,” said Psaki, who had been the top spokeswoman at the State Department in the Obama administration. “But I will tell you that there is an opportunity several times a week for the president to have an engagement and answer questions from reporters.

“I understand there’s questions about a formal press conference, but that may be driven more by the media than it is by the American public, Brian,” Psaki said over the weekend in an interview with CNN’s Brian Stelter.

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