Republican Attorney: Interjection of Saying ‘Election Was Stolen’ Is a ‘Wild Card’ in Impeachment

Republican Attorney: Interjection of Saying ‘Election Was Stolen’ Is a ‘Wild Card’ in Impeachment


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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If Donald Trump proceeds with his baseless, false charges of election fraud as a defense in his upcoming Senate impeachment trial, that would be a “wildcard,” which would make the senators who would have to vote for conviction “very, very nervous,” according to a prominent Republican attorney not affiliated with Trump.

Trump’s yet to settle entirely on a public strategy for his forthcoming trial in the Senate, where he is being tried for inciting the January 6 Capitol siege which left several people dead — including a Capitol Police officer.

“Well, certainly the body of evidence for the charges of leading an insurrection is out there and known. Pamela, I think the wild card in this is whether Donald Trump does insist on trying to make his case for election fraud, which, if he does, will make senators very, very nervous,” said attorney Ben Ginsberg, who’s had a career of decades representing Republicans and their causes, in an on-air interview. “And he basically has been told in the Senate vote that he’s going to win if it’s just a challenge to the constitutionality of putting a former president on trial, but his apparent desire to interject the wild card of trying to make his unmakable election fraud case is a totally new dimension.”

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