Republicans Could Well Lose by Winning

Republicans Could Well Lose by Winning


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Congressional Republicans have been remarkably candid during Donald Trump’s Senate impeachment trial about how persuasive the case against him has been.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida told Politico this week the impeachment managers presented their case to the public as if it were “cable news,” and he praised their use of multimedia.

Meanwhile, the defense team’s case looked like “an eighth-grade book report,” Gaetz said. “Actually, no, I take that back,” he said, adding that an eighth-grader would know how to use PowerPoint and iPads.

Meanwhile, Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) told reporters during the first day of the prosecution’s opening arguments that the evidence itself was news to many senators.

“Nine out of 10 senators will tell you they haven’t read a full transcript of the proceedings in the House,” Kennedy said. “And the 10th senator who says he has is lying.”

Despite the fact that the impeachment managers clearly are making their case against Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, it’s obvious that Republican senators intend to vote to acquit Trump.

Yes, this result will certainly please Trump and his minority of diehard supporters.

But it might not come without consequences for the Republicans come November.

Please remember that, according to public opinion polling, more Americans favor removing Trump from office.

Meanwhile, majorities of Americans wanted senators to bring forth new witnesses and documents during the trial–moves which Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) shutdown by holding his GOP caucus together against public opinion.

Americans may well–and should–vote out those senators who have protected Trump.

McConnell may well win the impeachment battle, but lose the war when next year when Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer is elevated to majority leader.

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