Trump on Drug Detection: ‘Dogs Do a Better Job than $400 Million Worth of Equipment’

Trump on Drug Detection: ‘Dogs Do a Better Job than $400 Million Worth of Equipment’


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Donald Trump apparently decided to court a new voting bloc Wednesday: dog lovers.

In keynote remarks at the Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit in Atlanta, Ga., Trump extolled the virtues of drug-detecting canines.

“This year we’re probably ahead of schedule a little bit. That’ll have a tremendous impact on drugs coming into our country. And we have many other things, including the finest equipment that you can buy, hundreds of millions of dollars of the best drug detection equipment you can have. And I always say this, because as good as that equipment is, and it’s genius, the greatest equipment in the world is a dog,” Trump said. “Dogs — a certain type of German shepherd in particular — dogs do a better job than $400 million worth of equipment. Can you believe that? Only the dog lovers would understand that, right?” Trump added, to audience applause and cheers.

“No, it’s true. I said to the Border Patrol the other day, they were giving me a little bit of a rundown on the equipment, you know, it’s close to $500 million worth of equipment at the ports of entry. I said, ‘How does this compare to those great dogs I saw?’ They say, ‘Sir, honestly, the dogs are better.’ I said, ‘You’ve got to be kidding.’ It’s incredible. They showed me and it’s actually incredible,” Trump continued. “But we also have a lot of dogs and they’re great dogs and we cherish them.”    

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