Category: Foreign policy

CDC Director: ‘We’ve Had a Very Productive Public Health Relationship’ with the WHO

CDC Director: ‘We’ve Had a Very Productive Public Health Relationship’ with the WHO

Donald Trump has promised to cut US funding from the World Health Organization (WHO) over a supposedly lax response to the novel coronavirus outbreak, but the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has praised his agency's ongoing relationship with the WHO.
Italy’s Foreign Affair Minister Thanks US for Coronavirus Assistance, Calling it ‘Second to None’

Italy’s Foreign Affair Minister Thanks US for Coronavirus Assistance, Calling it ‘Second to None’

Italy has one of the highest coronavirus death tolls, with approximately 19,000 deaths. They also have the third most confirmed COVID-19 cases, with only the United States and Spain having more cases.
US Diplomat Haass: ‘China Cannot Be Held Responsible for Our Lack of Testing’ or Shortage of Ventilators

US Diplomat Haass: ‘China Cannot Be Held Responsible for Our Lack of Testing’ or Shortage of Ventilators

If Donald Trump wants to blame China for the outbreak of the coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic, that blame can go only so far, particularly while Donald Trump maintains a "schizophrenic relationship," according to a prominent American diplomat.
Taliban Agreement a Historic Path to Peace, Says Pence

Taliban Agreement a Historic Path to Peace, Says Pence

After nearly 20 years of conflict, the US and the Taliban have signed a peace agreement which could bring a stop to one of the longest ongoing wars in the world, and could result in American soldiers departing Afghanistan within 14 months. This deal took place after temporary ceasefire between the Trump administration and the Taliban had been upheld.
Revisiting What Trump Said About the Coronavirus the Day Before

Revisiting What Trump Said About the Coronavirus the Day Before

In light of the first death due to the coronavirus in the US, we're taking a look at what Trump said the day before.
The Value of A Polarizing Op-ed: Do We Have The Critical Thinking to Make it Worthwhile?

The Value of A Polarizing Op-ed: Do We Have The Critical Thinking to Make it Worthwhile?

A recent article by a Taliban spokesman falls squarely in the tradition of op-ed pages of major American newspapers for decades. Op-eds, including the most polarizing opinion pieces such as the one penned by the Taliban spokesman, serve an important function, if only we are capable of enough critical thinking to make them worthwhile, according to a media historian, professor, author and former radio broadcaster.
Mike Lee Is Right: It Is Unamerican Not to Debate Military Action on Iran

Mike Lee Is Right: It Is Unamerican Not to Debate Military Action on Iran

It is unamerican. It is also insulting and demeaning for officials from the Trump administration to use the guise of a classified briefing on military action against Iran to tell senators, in Lee's words, "we need to be good little boys and girls and run along and not debate this in public."
REACTIONS: Was Soleimani Death’s Good or Bad?

REACTIONS: Was Soleimani Death’s Good or Bad?

Was General Soleimani responsible for the deaths of Americans? Can he be considered a terrorist? Did the benefits of killing him outweigh the effects of heightened conflict with Iran?
Trump Should Side With Democracy, Not His ‘Friend’ in China

Trump Should Side With Democracy, Not His ‘Friend’ in China

Regardless of the fact that his fellow Republicans overwhelmingly support the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, Trump has made noises of threatening to veto the bill when it reaches his desk. His rationale is less than compelling.
With Yovanovitch, Trump Digs Himself a Deeper Hole

With Yovanovitch, Trump Digs Himself a Deeper Hole

It's impossible to know now. But Trump may just tweet himself into a corner where even a Republican Senate has no choice but to remove him from office.