Fmr. Prosecutor: Trump Is ‘Quite Desperate’ To Prevent Public from Knowing What Is in His Financial Records

Fmr. Prosecutor: Trump Is ‘Quite Desperate’ To Prevent Public from Knowing What Is in His Financial Records


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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There are a number of “red flags” with Donald Trump’s finances as Trump reels from the defeat a federal judge handed the president Monday in Trump’s long time effort to keep his financial records under wraps.

In a 41-page decision, Judge Amit Mehta ordered Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars USA, Monday to comply with a subpoena to turn over subpoenaed records to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

“Well, certainly, there are some red flags. And, of course Congress has also served a subpoena on Deutsche Bank to get those bank record and try to get a better understanding of President Trump’s entanglements with Russia. And we know he has filed a lawsuit to prevent that disclosure,” said former federal prosecutor Barbara McQuade, currently a legal analyst for MSNBC. “He is clearly very concerned about what those records might show. And so we know that Deutsche Bank paid $600 million settlement in January of 2017 for allegations that it was laundering Russian funds, more than $10 billion in Russian assets.

“And so I think there are certainly some red flags here. And it — it appears that the President Trump is quite desperate to prevent the public from knowing what is in those records,” McQuade added.

In breaking news Tuesday, Trump’s attorneys appealed Mehta’s decision to the federal appeals court in Washington. However, that appellate court would have to act fast as Judge Mehta refused to grant any stay, and Mazars USA will have to begin turning over documents as early as next week under Mehta’s decision.

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