Biden: ‘We’re Going to Work for Every Single Vote up Until the Last Minute’

Biden: ‘We’re Going to Work for Every Single Vote up Until the Last Minute’


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Despite signs that he is consistently leading the race, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden vowed not to rest even with just two days to go to Election Day.

Public opinion polling has indicated that Biden’s leading both nationally and in the key battleground states.

“No, I’m not concerned. We’re going to be in Iowa, we’re going to be in Wisconsin, [inaudible] stop in Minnesota. I don’t take anything for granted,” Biden said. “We’re going to work for every single vote up to the last minute.”

Political analyst and television analyst Donny Deutsch pointed out the difference how undecided voters broke in 2016 for Donald Trump and how they are breaking this year.

“The other numbers I want to focus on versus 2016, in 2016 there were 15 percent of voters who decided in the last week of the campaign, and this year it’s only 4 percent or 5 percent tops,” Deutsch said. “Out of those voters, 30 percent of them in Wisconsin went for Trump last time — I mean, 30 point difference, 17-point difference in Pennsylvania, 17-point difference in Florida.

“So the combination of what all people are going to be seeing for the next few days are these spreader events that we know how they feel, and that there’s no longer this kind of undecided group. By the way, undecideds are usually people who don’t like either candidate, and those numbers are breaking dramatically towards Biden,” he added.

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