Rep. Nunes: Democrats Want Mueller Report To ‘Continue Pretending There’s Russian Collusion’

Rep. Nunes: Democrats Want Mueller Report To ‘Continue Pretending There’s Russian Collusion’


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Congressional Democrats are so adamant about obtaining the sealed Mueller Report so they can leak classified material to the news media and continue on with talk of collision with Russia, according to the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee.

The intelligence panel has been in open warfare as its Republican members demand the resignation of the Democratic chairman, as that chairman continues to make accusations of collusion, even after special counsel Robert Mueller concluded his two-year investigation and Attorney General William “Bill” Barr’s four-page letter which removed from Donald Trump any criminal onus.

House Democrats may move forward to attempt to subpoena the full and complete report Mueller submitted at the end of his probe.

“I think the attorney general wants to do anything and everything he can” to provide the Mueller Report, said Rep. Devin Nunes of California, who chaired the intelligence panel until Democrats took the House majority in January. “I think full transparency is in order and I just want to make sure that everyone understands what full transparency means.

“The Democrats on the left here just want to get their hands on the report so — it’ll probably be classified, there will be a lot of classified information in there — so they can leak it to all the bodies in the media, so they can continue on going down rabbit holes of pretending that there is some kind of Russian collusion,” Nunes added during an interview with Fox News.

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