Dr. Ben Carson Contradicts His Boss: Coronavirus Outbreak Has Potential To Be Severe

Dr. Ben Carson Contradicts His Boss: Coronavirus Outbreak Has Potential To Be Severe


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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A loyal member of Donald Trump’s Cabinet, who is also noted as a famed physician, has publicly contradicted his boss about the potential severity of the ongoing coronavirus covid 19 outbreak in the United States.

While Trump has consistently downplayed the severity of the spread of the disease since it first began to spread throughout the United States, Dr. Ben Carson offered a different perspective in an interview on Fox News.

Carson, who became famous as a neurosurgeon for his efforts to separate conjoined twins, was appointed as secretary of housing and urban development by Trump at the start of his administration.

“Well, it certainly has the potential to be severe and that’s one of the reasons that, you know, the [federal coronavirus] task force meets every day. We are in communication with a lot of experts around the country in terms of the best ways to contain this,” Carson said. “Obviously if we don’t use best practices to contain the spread, then we will have a horrendous situation, but we are very cognizant of that. We meet on a daily basis, we evaluate the information and make recommendations based on the evidence.”

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo asked Carson about the potential for 4.8 million hospitalizations associated with coronavirus, 96 million cases overall and 480,000 deaths. 

“Is that possible? Absolutely. Is it likely, probably not. We are obviously going to do everything we can to make sure that we minimize the damage that’s done here and that includes, you know, a little bit of common sense and utilizing information that we know already,” Carson said. “We know, for instance, that people who are elderly have and underlying problems that affect their immune system are much more vulnerable than others, but we also note that the virus can be passed on by people who have little in symptomtology and we need to use that information appropriately and if you go to a place where there’s a lot of people and you have a compromised immune system, maybe you need to rethink that.

“You certainly should rethink getting on a cruise ship, you should think about, you know, taking an airplane trip, a long distance, particularly if you’re compromised in some way,” he added.

US markets were in chaotic freefall Monday as a result of virus fears.

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    Alicia Wright, Ph.D., M.S. March 15, 2020

    Whilst I am far from being a Ben Carson fan, he actually makes sense with this statement, as the subject is medicine, a field in which he is imminently qualified. How his qualifications correlate to his present position is questionable.