Minimal Left Bias
This article has minimal left bias with a bias score of -28.78 from our political bias detecting A.I.
Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press
Public opinion polling continues to be very good to Joe Biden, even as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has been seen to moving to the left, according to political journalists and analysts.
Biden emerged as the presumptive nominee even in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic last week when his last remaining rival, Sen Bernie Sanders (I-Vt), suspended his campaign.
A recent CNN poll found that 53 percent of registered voters support Biden while 42 percent back Donald Trump’s re-election.
“There’s a lot of good news for Biden in this poll, he’s got a massive lead in white college-educated voters which was competitive in 2016. He’s got a 12-point lead in independent voters. Donald Trump carried that group by four points” four years ago, said David Alexrod, a former political strategist for the Obama/Biden campaign and today host of the Axe Files podcast. “This enthusiasm issue is important. You can see in the poll that the two groups who lag far behind are young voters and African-American or minority voters, I should say. And those are areas in which [Biden is] going to have to work.
“And so the end of the Sanders campaign and the beginning of the general election is an important line of demarcation for Biden so he can begin to consolidate those forces,” Axelrod added.
Meanwhile, Biden will have moved to the left to capture those voters who backed both Sanders and Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass), according to Yamiche Alcindor, correspondent for the PBS Newshour.
“I think Biden is gonna at least be pressured to keep going left because you have Bernie Sanders in the movement that he’s really had that impact on the Democratic party so people expect Joe Biden to carry some of that progressive flag,” she said.
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