Kamala Harris Goes Beyond Impeachment, Will ‘Absolutely’ Go After Trump Legally If She’s President

Kamala Harris Goes Beyond Impeachment, Will ‘Absolutely’ Go After Trump Legally If She’s President


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Janet Ybarra
Former Washington Journalist
Contributor on The Bipartisan Press

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Most of the debate over special counsel Robert Mueller’s extraordinary public statement Wednesday centered around the potential for that statement to spark impeachment of Donald Trump.

One Democrat running for president took it much further, pledging that if she is elected next year, she will pursue legal action against Trump even after he were to leave the White House.

Mueller Wednesday made his first public statement as special counsel, indicating that–despite intense interest in his testimony before Congress–that he does not want to make any statements beyond what are in the report he filed in March with the Justice Department.

“On the issue of impeachment, let’s be clear. You know, I’ve read the Mueller Report and they outline in that report — and it was a team of some of the best career people in the Department of Justice who were a part of that, career people who had been in the Department of Justice,” said Sen. Kamala Harris of California. “There are at least 10 separate instances of obstruction of justice. I am also clear from reading what he wrote in that report that the only reason they did not return an indictment against this president on obstruction of justice is because of an opinion from the Department of Justice that suggests that you cannot indict a sitting president. But there is no question that the evidence supports a prosecution of that case. So taking it to the point of your next question, absolutely.

“Listen, I believe that there needs to be transparency, there needs to be accountability. There is a clear track record of this president and members of his administration obstructing justice, not to mention what we have seen from the current attorney general of the United States, who I questioned in connection with the Judiciary Committee, who clearly thinks his job is to represent the president and his peculiar interests as opposed to representing the people of the country in which we live. So there is a lot of work to do and I plan on seeing it through,” Harris added, to a round of applause during a televised town hall meeting.

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